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SkinCeuticals CLUB 會員計劃 (下稱「計劃」)


• 本計劃由歐萊雅香港有限公司以 SkinCeuticals 香港 (下稱「SkinCeuticals」) 的商號名義營運。

• 本計劃只適用於香港特別行政區及澳門特別行政區境內的 SkinCeuticals專門店及專櫃。計劃並不包括在其他銷售點 (例如: 診所及美容中心) 購買的 SkinCeuticals產品。


• 會籍有效期為 12 個月,由首次購物日期起,或會籍續期或由現時的會籍級別升級或降級的日期起計算,以較後的日期為準。

• 顧客購物滿指定金額,即符合登記 / 升級至以下會籍級別的資格:

o 「Silver」會員 ─ 於單次交易中購買任何 SkinCeuticals產品或美容療程,即符合資格;

o 「Platinum」會員 ─ 於單次交易中消費滿港幣 2,000 元。

o 「Diamond」會員 ─ 於單次交易中消費滿港幣 10,000 元。

• 顧客為會籍續期的資格見如下:

o 「Platinum」會員 ─ 在會籍有效期內,於單次交易中消費滿港幣 1,000 元,會籍將由最近的購物日期起延續 12 個月。

o 「Diamond」會員 ─ 在會籍有效期內,於單次交易中消費滿港幣 5,000 元,會籍將由最近的購物日期起延續 12 個月。

• 各個會籍級別的禮遇,包括積分的累積辦法,應由 SkinCeuticals全權酌情決定。


• 「Platinum」及「Diamond」新會員可獲贈迎新禮品,只限首次於香港特別行政區及澳門特別行政區境內的 SkinCeuticals專門店及專櫃登記成為VIP Club之會員。續會或於網上商店登記之新會員將不會獲迎新禮品。

• 根據本《條款及細則》列明的條款,每位「Platinum」及「Diamond」會員應有資格於其生日月份期間尊享生日禮遇乙次。 「Diamond」會員於生日月份單次購物可享$1= 2積分優惠。

• 如會員於本年度的生日月份期間登記成爲會員,則需於下年度的生日月份期間透過首次購物換領生日禮遇。


• 「Silver」 及「Platinum」會員購買 SkinCeuticals產品每滿淨價港幣 1元,即可獲得 1 分 SkinCeuticals Club積分 (下稱「積分」)。

• 「Diamond」會員購買 SkinCeuticals產品每滿淨價港幣 1元,即可獲得 1.5 分 SkinCeuticals Club積分 (下稱「積分」)。

• 全新「Diamond」會員將於第二次購物開始享有淨價港幣 1元獲得1.5 分 SkinCeuticals Club積分。

• 積分不得轉讓他人,亦不可兌換現金。

• 積分將由購物日期起的 12 個月內有效。已逾期的積分不得續用,並將自動註銷而不另行通知。

• 會員應於交易時表明其身分,以獲取積分。

• 積分將於購物後 28 小時內自動更新。

• 如有與會籍或積分相關的任何爭議或抵觸,概以 SkinCeuticals的交易紀錄為準。 利用積分換領禮品

• 如會員退回已購買的產品,相應的積分將於成功退貨時自動扣減;在換貨的情況下,積分餘額將 作出相應的更新。


• 除非根據本《條款及細則》進行積分換領,否則積分並無價值。積分可用以兌換由 SkinCeuticals不時宣傳的獎賞 (下稱「禮品」)。所有禮品以先到先得,換完即止為基礎。

• 換領任何禮品或需受額外的條款及細則規限,其詳情將於閣下進行換領前提供。

• 會員每年有資格換領多於一份禮品,或多次換領同一款禮品,上限為每次換領活動每款5套。

• 禮品換領期為3月、6月、9月及12月。

• 會員將無法就以積分換購的產品獲取積分。

• 所有禮品均應親身換領。會員或會被要求出示與 SkinCeuticals系統登記資料相符的證明, 以達到核實會員身分的目的。

• 任何已用作換領或使用的積分將由會籍帳戶的總額扣減,並且不得再次使用。

• 禮品不得轉讓、更換 (該等禮品有缺陷時除外;在此情況下,於相關 SkinCeuticals零售專門店生效的換貨條款及細則將適用)、退回或退款。

• 美容護理服務體驗優惠只適用於指定專門店,詳情請向各專門店查詢。敬請預約以享用療程。

• SkinCeuticals保留更改禮品及/或禮品包裝,或在缺貨的情況下以價值相近的另一款產品代 替禮品而不另向會員作出通知的權利。如有任何爭議,SkinCeuticals作出的決定應為最終 及不可推翻。


• 歐萊雅香港有限公司將使用閣下的個人資料,以管理閣下的帳戶;進行研究及分析;及在閣下已 同意的情況下向閣下傳送旗下品牌為閣下度身制訂的美容及美妝新資訊、更新、推廣、優惠及其 他市場推廣通訊。閣下提供的個人資料屬於義務性,惟如閣下不願意提供個人資料,我們可能無 法向閣下提供我們的服務,包括我們的品牌提供的會員計劃禮遇。我們可能會與以我們名義行事 的可靠第三方及其他歐萊雅集團公司 (包括位於香港境外的該等公司) 分享閣下的資料。如欲獲取 我們如何使用閣下的個人資料的進一步資訊,請參閱我們的《私隱政策》:https://www.skinceuticals.com.hk/en/site/pages/ShowMediaApp.aspx?MediaAppCode=PRIVACY_AND_COOKIES_POLICY_HK_EN。閣下可隨時透過親臨任何 SkinCeuticals專門店或專櫃,與我們聯絡及簽署退出直銷通訊 名單確認書,以退出直銷通訊名單。閣下有權透過電郵至:privacy.corphk@loreal.com 與我們 聯絡,以要求存取及修改由我們持有而與閣下相關的資料。


• 一旦參與是項計劃,會員即被視為已同意本《條款及細則》及我們的《私隱政策》並受其約束。

• 本《條款及細則》應受香港法律管轄,而香港法院應對與是項計劃相關的任何訴訟擁有專屬司法 管轄權。

• SkinCeuticals根據是項計劃而擁有的權利及義務,可由 SkinCeuticals隨時指派或轉 移至任何其他相關或不相關的實體,而其後的履行應屬於該實體的責任。

• SkinCeuticals保留隨時更改、限制、修訂或取消本《條款及細則》之全部或部分的權利, 即使更改可能會影響已累積的積分或禮品的價值亦然。SkinCeuticals將嘗試將該等更改刊 登於我們的官方網站:http://www.SkinCeuticals.com.hk以通知會員。會員將受任何該等更改約束。

• 如有任何爭議,SkinCeuticals的決定應為最終及不可推翻。

• 本《條款及細則》備有英文版本。如有任何歧義,概以英文版本為準。

版本日期 [2020 年 11 月]

SkinCeuticals CLUB Membership Program (“Program”)

Terms & Conditions

• This Program is operated by L’Oreal Hong Kong Limited trading in the name of SkinCeuticals Hong Kong (“SkinCeuticals”).

• The Program is valid at SkinCeuticals boutiques and counters in Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR only. The Program does not include SkinCeuticals products purchased at other points of sale (such as Clinic and Medi-SPA).


• Membership is valid for 12 months, following the first purchase date or the date on which the membership renews, or upgrades or downgrades from the current membership level, whichever date is later.

• Customers are eligible to register / upgrade to below loyalty tiers with designated purchase amounts:

“Silver” members – qualified upon any purchase of SkinCeuticals products or facial treatment in a single transaction;

“Platinum” members – qualified with spending HK$2000 in a single transaction.

“Diamond” members – qualified with spending HK$10,000 in a single transaction.

• Customers are eligible for membership renewal as seen below:

“Platinum” members – within membership period, membership will be extended for 12 - months from latest purchase date upon spending HK$1,000 in a single transaction.

“Diamond” members – within membership period, membership will be extended for 12 - months from latest purchase date upon spending HK$5,000 in a single transaction.

• Privileges for each membership tier, including Points accumulation, shall be determined by SkinCeuticals in its sole discretion.

Welcome gifts and Birthday privileges

• For new join “Platinum” and “Diamond” members shall be entitled a welcome gift for first registration at SkinCeuticals boutiques and counters in Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR only . Welcome gift not available to renew members and first registration at SkinCeuticals online shop.

• “Platinum” and “Diamond” Member shall be entitled to a one-off birthday Privileges. “Diamond” receive$1= 2 point offer for single transaction.

• Welcome gift available at SkinCeuticals boutiques and counters in Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR only, do not included online store.

• “Platinum” and “Diamond” Member shall be entitled to a one-off birthday Privileges. “Diamond” receive double point offer for single transaction.

• In case of membership registration during a Member’s birth month in current calendar year, Member shall redeem Birthday Privileges via the first purchase in their birth month of the next calendar year.

Points Accumulation

• “Silver” and “Platinum” members can receive 1 SkinCeuticals CLUB Point (”Points”) for every HK$1 net purchase of SkinCeuticals products. (Exclude facial treatment)

• “Diamond” members can receive 1.5 SkinCeuticals CLUB Point (”Points”) for every HK$1 net purchase of SkinCeuticals products. (Exclude facial treatment)

• For new “Diamond” members can receive 1.5 SkinCeuticals CLUB Point (”Points”) for every HK$1 net purchase from second purchase.

• Points are non-transferrable and cannot be exchanged for cash.

• Points are valid for 12 months following the date of purchase. Expired Points cannot be renewed and will be automatically forfeited without notice.

• Members shall identify themselves upon transaction to earn Points.

• Points will be automatically updated within 28 hours of purchase.

• Where there is any dispute or inconsistency regarding membership or Points, the transaction records of SkinCeuticals shall prevail.

• Where a Member returns a purchased product, the corresponding Points will be deducted automatically upon successful return; in the case of exchange, the Points balance will be updated accordingly.

Redemption of Points for Gifts

• Points have no value until presented for redemption in accordance with these Terms & Conditions. Points can be redeemed for rewards as advertised by SkinCeuticals from time to time (“Gifts”). All Gifts are on a first come, first served basis while stocks last.

• Redemption of any Gift may be subject to additional terms and conditions details of which are provided before you make the redemption.

• Members are entitled to redeem more than one Gift or the same Gift multiple times per year, maximum of 5 sets of same gift per event.

•Gift redemption period on March, June, September and December.

• Members will not earn Points on products which are paid for with Points.

• Members are entitled to redeem more than one Gift or the same Gift multiple times per year, maximum of 5 sets of same gift per event.

• All Gifts shall be redeemed in person. Members may be requested to present proof of membership information, as registered on SkinCeuticals’s system, for identity verification purposes.

• Any Points redeemed or used will be deducted from the total on the membership account and cannot be reused.

• Gifts cannot be transferred, exchanged (except where such Gifts are faulty, in which case the terms and conditions for exchange in force at the relevant SkinCeuticals retail store will apply), returned or refunded.

• Facial treatment privilege available to selected boutique, advance booking request.

• SkinCeuticals reserves the right to modify Gifts and/or the packaging of Gifts, or replace Gifts with another product in the event of unavailability, without prior notice to Members. In case of any dispute, the decision of SkinCeuticals shall be final and conclusive.

Personal Information

• L’Oréal Hong Kong Limited will use your personal information to manage your account; for research and analytics; and to send you personalised beauty and cosmetics news, updates, promotions, offers and other marketing communications of its brands where you have ag reed to this. It is voluntary for you to provide your personal information but if you do not, we may not be able to provide you with our services, including benefits of our brands’ loyalty programs. We may share your information with trusted third parties acting on our behalf and other L ’Oréal group companies (including those located outside of Hong Kong). For further information on how we use your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy : https://www.skinceuticals.com.hk/en/site/pages/ShowMediaApp.aspx?MediaAppCode=PRIVACY_AND_COOKIES_POLICY_HK_EN. You may choose to opt-out of direct marketing communications at any time by contacting us at any SkinCeuticals boutique or counter and signing an opt-out confirmation. You have the right to request access to and correction of information held by us about you by contacting us at : privacy.corphk@loreal.com.


• By participating in the Program, Members are deemed to be bound by, and to have accepted, these Terms & Conditions and our Privacy Policy.

• These Terms & Conditions shall be governed by Hong Kong law and the Hong Kong courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any proceedings in connection with the Program.

• The rights and obligations of SkinCeuticals under the Program may be assigned or transferred by SkinCeuticals to any other related or unrelated entity at any time, and performance thereafter shall be the responsibility of that entity.

• SkinCeuticals reserves the right to change, limit, modify or cancel these Terms & Conditions in whole or in part at any time, even though changes may affect the value of Points or Gifts already accumulated. SkinCeuticals will attempt to notify Members of such changes on our official website: http://www.SkinCeuticals.com.hk. Members will be bound by any such changes.

• In case of any dispute, the decision of SkinCeuticals shall be final and conclusive.

• A Chinese version of these Terms & Conditions is available. In the event of discrepancy, the English version shall prevail.

version date [Nov 2020]